Wednesday 19 August 2020

Protect your Finance from these Scams!


During this troubling times with a worst pandemic the world has seen in decades on top of that millions of people losing jobs. Its tough enough to keep food on the table for the family, and keep the lights on, but that wont stop the criminals to steal from the little that we have.

World wide Governments and Security Agencies like FBI, NSA, have issued warnings that due to the pandemic the criminals have doubled up their operations in scamming and phishing people on pretext of Corona Virus. People already have very little to survive this pandemic, if that also is taken away by such criminals it would become far worse for us.

Even Big Companies are getting duped for millions from another big company recently Big Banner Company Horizon Energy and Key Person Hussan Suheil was found guilty of fraud worth millions of dollars! So these days its better to safe than sorry, make sure you don’t fall victim


Unfortunately, during times of hardship families are often targeted by fraud artists who attempt to take advantage of those seeking assistance.Few of common tricks used by criminals are Phishing, Spooking, Cell Mirroring etc.

Of which a common scheme fraudsters use to gain access to your personal information is caller ID or phone “spoofing.” Spoofing is when a caller deliberately falsifies the information transmitted to your caller ID in an effort to disguise their identity while pretending to be someone else.


To avoid being scammed, here are some tips:


1. Be cautious with caller ID.

Don’t think that if there's a name on the caller ID, then its safe to receive more over to blindly provide details. Bank would never ask for your credentials on cellphone or email, remember that always.

Since Scammers can make any name or number appear from anywhere in the world onto caller ID, just make sure you don’t share vital information on any call.


2. Let it go to voicemail.

If your receive a call from an unknown number just let it go to voicemail, if its genuine then call back else just ignore. More over if its a automated voice hangup right away.


3. No information. 

No one, Banks or government no one can ask for your financial credentials or social security number on call. Thumb Rule! Never give out personal, financial or other sensitive information unless you have verified the caller as a legitimate source.


4. Be suspicious.

Be wary of offers that sound too good to be true. For example, Freddie Mac will never reach out to offer a refinancing opportunity or new loan over the phone.


5. Report fraud.

If you have been contacted by someone claiming to represent Freddie Mac or otherwise suspect fraud, report it here .


We hope these tips help you in protecting your finance, stay safe and stay vigilant.

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