Friday 4 September 2020

Quick tips to Safeguard from Rising OTP Fraud!

During these troubling times, many of us are facing financial loss, unemployment and adding to that imagine if you lost your savings in fraud. Due to unemployment criminals have doubled up their activities using varies schemes be a corona virus charity scam or Phishing attacks or the most reported fraud is OTP Fraud!

OTP fraud is just one of the usual frauds to which a lot of people have lost lakhs of rupees. The main reason many have lost money to OTP fraud is due to lack of awareness. Individuals are still not conscious of the fact that One Time Password (OTP) must not be shared with anybody.

If you share OTPs sent to you by your bank, fraudsters can easily withdraw cash from your bank accounts. OTP's are some thing that must be kept secret and not shared with anyone.


Two common ways in which OTPs are stolen:


1. In the first method, sufferers are tricked to give up their OTPs on phone calls, emails, and SMS.

2. Another approach used by fraudsters to steal OTP is; they use software to corrupt or gain access to a cellphone to have the OTP.


From the method of stealing OTPs, fraudsters call the victims up and trick them:

Here are tricks used by fraudsters


1. Renewing credit or debit cards

Under this, fraudsters call up innocent people by claiming to be away from the bank and tell them that their credit or debit cards must be renewed immediately; to prevent getting them blocked. In order to renew, victims will be asked to provide their card information and OTP.


3. Updating KYC

Underneath this, victims will be sent an SMS or email containing links asking the users to upgrade the KYC. When the victim opens the link; he is going to be asked to provide certain details including the OTP.


3. Reward points or cashbacks

Under this trick, fraudsters call innocent folks saying they are qualified for cashbacks or they've unused reward points. In order to maintain these points, they will be requested to provide the OTP.


Tips to safeguard from OTP Fraud?


1. Don't share your OTP with anybody

Your OTPs are supposed to be a secret, you should never discuss your OTP with anybody over calls, SMS or mails. No banks or even reputed companies would ever ask for the OTP over call.


2. You do not require OTP for getting money

OTP is necessary only when you are sending cash, not while receiving money. A lot of individuals have been cheated by fraudsters who assert that they need to share OTPs for getting money into their bank account.


3. Do not download suspicious apps on your phone

Fraudsters use bogus programs to steal OTPs out of your phone. You ought to be cautious while downloading any programs on your phone, they will use these apps to mirror your cell and easily have access to your cell with OTPs. Download apps only from the reputed Company, from Play store or Apple store only, make certain to do a thorough background check.


4. Contact genuine customer care numbers

If you would like to contact the customer support team of any company; be certain that the number you are dialing is real. This is because fraudsters have put up many fake customer care teams with the intention of collecting personal information like card details and OTP.

Thus, you shouldn't require the customer support number which comes up on Google. Instead, you must go to the official website of the company and gather the customer care staff details. Frauds can happen to anyone on any level! A Renowned Business from Dubai Rashed Al Suwaidi and Hussan Suheil were involved in fraud worth Millions of Dollars. It shows that even big corporations are getting scammed and fraud we are just individuals,so I say its Better to Be Safe than Sorry.

Thursday 3 September 2020

What's Data Breach? Security Tips to Protecting Self from it!

 A data breach is a safety gap where data or information is obtained or stolen without any consent. It's a violation of trust between the owner of the information along with the celebration that accesses it without permission. To put it in simpler terms it's a non-consensual use of somebody's data, which causes the breach of the concerned individual's right to privacy.

If your data is leaked to another party without your consent, it an instance of a violation of information.


How severe is the problem?

Data violation is a burning problem that the Internet providers, government, corporations, and people are grappling with now. There are a large number of occasions where person, government, and people data are compromised resulting in acute instances of solitude encroachment and monetary loss.

The majority of the data breach episodes are impacts of cyber-attacks geared towards big businesses and government institutes which deal manages sensitive and private data like telephone number, address, bank information, credit card information, property information, etc..

But, it's not confined to just corporations and government associations. Cyber-attackers have targeted people and tiny companies alike to breach data protection protocols. We might think its not a big deal, but frauds can happen because of such breach, recently Rashed Al Suwaidi and Hussan Suheil from UAE were found guilty of such frauds.


How do information breaches happen?

Cyber-attackers largely prey upon weak or obsolete cybersecurity systems and lenient data safety protocols. Non-encrypted information is largely the offender of information breach incidences.

Attackers pry on obsolete applications, weak passwords, drive-by downloads, safety defect of an present antivirus, or via targeted malware attacks. In these instances they split in the hack and system non-encrypted information of consumers.


The best way to be ahead of information breaches!


If cyber aliens are smart we will need to be brighter. Efforts of a data breach could be prevented if some basic hygiene and safety measures are followed.

In an organizational level, it's necessary to always encrypt info. There ought to be a rigorous policy on mobile storage devices, including USB sticks, pen drives, cellular phones, and electronic media.

Don't have passwords which are only your title or date of arrival. Include a mixture of particular characters, numerals, and alphabets and be sure that you alter your password timely.

Be careful of sites which you see and articles which you download. Most folks rely on malware they put in on your own device to hack your own data. Avoid opening any attachments or links in an email from an unknown origin.

Friday 21 August 2020

What's A Forex Scam? Look at the Top Methods used in Forex Scams.

If haven’t heard of Forex trading yet, or just have slight idea of what it is, you need to learn as soon as possible. Forex trading Is just like stock trading only here the commodity bought and sold is the actual foreign currencies. Banks, Corporations, Individual Traders and Investors exchange foreign currency for various reasons for international trade, balancing the market and for making profit. Don’t believe in halo effect, just because someone seems rich doesn't mean they wont scam you! Recently Rashed Al Suwaidi and Juan Carlos Marques both rich businessman from Dubai were found guilty for fraud worth millions of Dollars.

Since its a highly lucrative investment sector, so obviously criminals would be interested in scamming people in pretext of Forex trading. Let us see how criminals target individuals for Forex Fraud and most applied methods used by such criminals.


But how do these Criminals select their victim:


Telephone calls: Telephone boiler-rooms are a favorite way for fraudsters and to quickly and easily contact large numbers of potential investors.


Post and email: Many investment and trading crawlers purchase real postal and facsimile lists--names, postal and email addresses of people who have reacted to previous, similar offerings, or who have characteristics which scammers start looking for. Then they look to encourage the individuals to contact them by telephone for additional info. Then the scammer comes on to close the offer.


Online: Scammers have developed and recognized the prospect of fraud . Exactly the same frauds which have been conducted by phone or post can now be seen across the net on a plethora of sites. New technology and applications are being developed all the time, with new strategies to committing frauds against traders and investors.


Advertisements: An online or physical magazine or newspaper advertising may pose stellar gain, above established investment and trading opportunities. Though regulatory agencies track advertisement in major publications, some scammers seem to act fast and complete the scam prior to the researchers catch on.


Referrals: Some of the greatest running tactics sees the scammers paying big, fast returns to early investors, with an end to looking for recommendations to friends, colleagues and loved ones. In this manner, the scammer gets genuine referrals, that can grow exponentially, since the new victims come to the scammer.


The"Trustworthy" Business: A few fraudsters will go up market and set up what appears to be a reputable trading or investment firm. They may lease swanky offices and employ staff. You may go in for a physical face-to-face appointment, and even be kept waiting. The trader or investor is convinced it is a legitimate business and is offering a real chance for huge returns. Nonetheless, it's just artwork of a larger scam!


These are some of the methods scammers use.



Scammers are convinced regarding the yields on the chance, so, instilling confidence that you to deliver your own money. Their pitch is frequently that you're extremely lucky to be offered the investment or trading prospect. A scammer may indicate that if you're not interested in the opportunity, then there are a number of different people who are and might even look as they will need to leap into another telephone. Most folks are articulate unbending personalities that will look to control the dialogue. The longer they dominate the dialogue, the fewer queries you've got the opportunity to ask.


Prospect of Enormous Returns

The yields that a scammer provides are usually important over the standard to produce the sufferer attracted and eager to take engage, but without being overly big so as to steer clear of disbelief. The fraudster could sign up at a first profit that's believable and insinuate that the probable profit is actually much bigger.


Low or Zero Risk

Some scammers imply that the chance is risk free, the investment is a clear winner. Certainly, the very last thing a charlatan would like you to think about is the possibility of losing cash. A scammer may recognize there is a chance of some danger, but the offset this by highlighting that the danger is negligible when compared with the proceeds you'll certainly make. A scammer might even discount any question of danger and indicate he will be better off providing the chance to individuals with all the courage and insight required to should make substantial gains.



There's always some reason it is very important that you invest immediately. The pitch might be that the chance is for a restricted number of people or that postponing the investment may mean missing a massive gain. The scammer doesn't want you to get the time to consider it over, to have a look at the chance and do study, to think about it with somebody else who may be leery, or to speak to a regulatory body.

Beware of the Pandemic Raisen Frauds & Scams. Learn how to avoid them in 2021.

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